Yellowknife Divers Inc. is based out of Yellowknife and prices listed are for services within the city limits. Services in other communities or down the Ingraham trail may result in higher costs related to time to get to site and fuel/mileage. Government or industry rates are available, please ask for a quote.
Houseboat Inspection
Did you lose something off your deck into the abyss of Great Slave Lake? Do you want to check your moorings? Do you want your houseboats flotation assessed? Yellowknife Divers Inc can assess these and more for you and provide videography if requested.
Flat Rate: 100 per hour, or any part beyond the first hour.
Underwater Searches/Recovery
Finding lost things is what Yellowknife Divers Inc. does best! With access to the use of side scanning sonar and an underwater ROV, Jeremy will increase the likelihood of finding your lost items. Jeremy will assess the needs for the job and cost depends on items required for the search and the type of search. Yellowknife Divers Inc will do its best to find your lost item, but cannot guarantee success.
Request quote for any work outside of Yellowknife City limits. Additional equipment such as side scanning sonar, underwater ROV, or underwater videography carry additional charges.
Flat Rate: 100 per hour.
Travel time or costs to locations outside of Yellowknife will be extra.
Underwater Video/SONAR/Mapping
Underwater retrieval of items can be challenging given the turbidity of our waters, as well as the sediment/silt bottoms. Use of technology including our underwater ROV and SONAR can be vital to narrowing down search areas or determining if retrieval may or may not be possible.
Request quote for any work outside of Yellowknife City limits. Additional equipment such as side scanning sonar, underwater ROV, or underwater videography carry additional charges.
Flat Rate: 100 per hour.
Travel time or costs to locations outside of Yellowknife will be extra.